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Ursula Stevens
7 tours
South Africa

Hello, and welcome to Cape Town. I have written several books about Cape Town and the greater region. Until recently I regularly conducted walking tours around Cape Town. I also speak several languages and have lived in Cape Town for over fifty years. It is my home, I love it and I hope to make you fall in love with our city as well. It is difficult to keep pace with a changing urban landscape; when you embark on your walk, new buildings may have risen, older ones may have disappeared. I can't show you all the places of interest, nor can I take you to all the monuments and statues. All I can do is dangle that proverbial carrot before your nose to tempt you to explore further.

Soak up some of Cape Town's energy as you walk along one of its main arteries

Walking Tour

40 mins
Take a leisurely walk through the very heart of Cape Town, the Company's Garden

Walking Tour

25 mins
Genießen Sie einen Bummel durch das uralte Herz von Kapstadt, dem Kompaniegarten

Walking Tour

25 mins
Die Geschichten zu hören, die zur Entwicklung vom Bo-Kaap beigetragen haben

Walking Tour

45 mins
Uncover the fascinating stories that shaped the colourful Bo-Kaap

Walking Tour

40 mins
Viel Spaß auf diesem geschichtsträchtigen Weg vom Kastell zur Sklavenherberge

Walking Tour

30 mins
Enjoy a vibrant walk from Cape Town's Castle to the former Slave Lodge

Walking Tour

30 mins