
Eo - Immersive Audio Tours
14 tours

"Eo" means "Go", in Latin. It is also the acronym for "Experience Otherwise".

Eo - Immersive Audio Tours™ is therefore a production center focused on helping its listeners to make the best of their travel experiences by enhancing their visits using the latest tech media available.

The brand produces exclusive contents specifically designed for GPS self-guided immersive audio services and applications such as VoiceMap.

Given the project’s creators and managers passion for History, foreign languages, hiking and adventure, it sounded obvious that the creation of GPS-guided immersive audio tours was not only a medium with a promising future ahead of it, but it was also the best way to satisfy the need to tell to the wide public the untold stories behind each place they visit.

Eo - Immersive Audio Tours™ is operated by a selected small number of collaborators and friends, which all bring their passion and their diverse competences to the project, giving to each of the Tours produced a recognized seal of quality and seriousness that will hopefully meet the satisfaction of our listeners.

The Tours offered by Eo - Immersive Audio Tours™ are available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Russian.

Page through the chapters of Portugal's most iconic site and meet its heroes

Indoor Tour

75 mins
Admirez la capitale du Portugal depuis les murs de son château emblématique

Walking Tour

75 mins
Contemple la capital de Portugal desde las murallas de su icónico Castillo

Walking Tour

75 mins
Gaze down on Portugal's capital from the omnipresent walls of its iconic castle

Walking Tour

75 mins
Venha admirar a capital portuguesa desde as muralhas do seu icónico Castelo

Walking Tour

75 mins
Promenez-vous à travers les pittoresques ruelles en pierre de Monsanto

Walking Tour

45 mins
Un paseo histórico por las pintorescas calles de piedra de Monsanto

Walking Tour

45 mins
Deixe-se levar numa caminhada pelas pitorescas ruas de pedra de Monsanto

Walking Tour

45 mins
Путeшествие по исторической деревне Монсанто

Walking Tour

45 mins
Take a wander through the picturesque cobblestone alleyways of Monsanto

Walking Tour

45 mins
Camine entre las rocas y las peñas y explore la cima del Monte de Monsanto

Walking Tour

60 mins
New Tour
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Caminhe por entre penedos e rochas numa exploração do topo do Cabeço de Monsanto

Walking Tour

60 mins
Une exploration détaillée du sommet du Mont de Monsanto

Walking Tour

60 mins
New Tour
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Walk along boulders and rocks to explore one of Portugal’s most famous sites

Walking Tour

60 mins