
Mary Jane Cryan
2 tours

American-Irish writer and historian Mary Jane Cryan has been living in Italy since 1965 working in the fields of international education, journalism and tourism. When she is not busy writing about central Italy in her palazzo between Rome and Civitavecchia, she can be found aboard luxury cruise ships (especially Azamara) sailing the Mediterranean as a guest lecturer.
Check her substack magazine https://maryjanecryanandfriendsinitaly.substack.com/ for more interesting stories about life in central Italy . Insider tips, books, bibliography can be found on her award-winning website created in 2000 http://www.elegantetruria.com

Discover the ancient and hidden corners of Civitavecchia

Walking Tour

35 mins
Wander through the hidden corners and alleyways of this medieval hilltop town

Walking Tour

60 mins