
Jeanette Clarke
1 tour
South Africa

For the past nearly 30 years, I've worked as a researcher and development practitioner specialising in forests, people and trees. My work has taken many different forms, from sacred forests to indigenous tenure rights to timber plantation labour.

I have kept up an amateur interest in botany and I have a special love for the Cape's indigenous flora, fynbos. I also come from a long line of devoted women gardeners, and as I get older, I'm spending more and more time in my own garden.

I take advantage of living in beautiful Cape Town, by swimming in the sea and hiking in the mountains as often as I can. I've been here for 17 years now, and I'm still amazed at my good fortune!

rhodes cape colony cape floral kingdom fynbos amazon rainforest western cape threatened species pelargoniums smell scent buchu fynos medicinal plants protea restio erica bulbs medicine food dyes crafts ethno-botanical knowledge skeleton stream skeleton gorge table mountain wild cedar cedarberg clanwilliam cedar endangered species devil’s peak fernwood peak castle rock nursery buttress hiking yellowwood climate soil conditions colonel bird lady ann barnard tree ferns cycads harold pearson cycad university of cape town botany gymnosperm cedars kew gardens sir christopher wren st paul's cathedral canopy walkway boomslang centenary birds hadeda lemon dove tree aloe wild almond jan van riebeeck dutch east india company apartheid concert stage summer sunset concerts acacia taxonomy vachellia cecil john rhodes camphor queen victoria namaqualand spring flowers west coast strelitzia lawn egyptian geese moyo guinea fowl frank mcewan shona artists kirstenbosch tea room zimbabwe rhodesia sculpture
Loop through the gardens and get an introduction to its botany, history and art

Walking Tour

45 mins