
Explore Minneapolis with Frank Bures
3 tour bundle
About the Bundle

Whether it be the flow of the Mississippi River, the roar of Minnehaha Falls, or the patter of Purple Rain, Minneapolis is a place of many hidden currents. On these walking tours with Frank Bures, you’ll learn about the city's many gifts to civilization: Nerf Balls, Zubaz, Funkytown. You’ll walk in the footsteps—literally—of The Purple One: Prince Rogers Nelson. And you’ll discover the forgotten stories that swirl around what was once the most famous cascade in the world: Minnehaha Falls.

Take a plunge into the past with the waterfall at the heart of Minneapolis

Walking Tour

60 mins
Strut through downtown Minneapolis and see where His Royal Badness rose to fame

Walking Tour

75 mins
Stroll along the banks of the Mississippi to hear some Minnesota tales

Walking Tour

60 mins