Coleen van Staden

Coleen has lived in Cape Town most of her life and is passionate about this fantastic city of ours.

She says she has more stories than she cares to, or can, remember! Where in the city is she the happiest?

A finger of land that juts out into the ocean – Cape Town’s Peninsula where she raised two daughters and now also enjoys her three grandchildren.

Having returned to Cape Town in the late seventies from a 2 year stint in a small Karoo town, Coleen says she could never again live far from the sea

– it’s in her blood and while sand, saltwater and Shakespeare may appear to be strange bedfellows, theatre is her other love – writer, performer, director and reviewer.

In her next life she wants to come back as Judi Dench but until then, is happy to share what she knows and loves, always learning something new along the way!
That’s her cue!